1.刀口型直尺:knife straigjht edge
cCIs~*D 2.刀口尺: knife straigjht edge
h(^[WSa 3.三棱尺three edges straigjht edge
s8k4e6ak 4.四棱尺four edges straigjht edge
k_Lv\'Ok 5.條式和框式水平儀
eO{2rV45O bar form and square levels
`[x'EJp# 6.合像水平儀 imaging level meter
:z$+leNH\ 7鑄鐵平板 cast iron surface plate
eEeK ]8@ 8.巖石平板 granite surface plate
n.o_._mu2 9.鑄鐵平尺cast iron straigjht edge
;:bnLSPo 10.鋼平尺和巖石平尺
Ev48|X6 steel and granite straigjht edge