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    [轉載]IMAX, Barco,Kodak激光影院技術進展 [復制鏈接]

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    只看樓主 倒序閱讀 樓主  發(fā)表于: 2012-02-09
    原文如下,轉自www.insightmedia.info, 來不及翻譯,只當學E文。 希望對大家尤其是激光顯示界有幫助。 p2 !w86 F  
    亮點:4K DMD; 600W, 55000流明; 對比度2300:1。 E.,  
    對散斑的報道讓人琢磨不透 --- 個人觀點而已,見仁見智,請大家客觀地分析吧:) +k V$ @qH  
    _ BoA&Ism  
    IMAX, Barco and Kodak to Bring Laser Cinema 9&zQ 5L>  
    Last time I did a Display Daily column on laser cinema was back when IMAX announced they had licensed the Kodak laser cinema technology. But, neither IMAX nor Kodak actually builds projectors. Now the other shoe has dropped with announcements by Barco and IMAX that Barco has been chosen to be the exclusive supplier of projectors for IMAX for the next 7 years. According to the announcement, the laser projectors will incorporate technology IMAX has licensed from Kodak. LK<ZF=z]Z  
    This 7-year agreement covers both xenon lamp-based projectors and laser projectors. Previously, Christie had supplied the IMAX xenon projectors, so this is a big feather in its cap for Barco. IMAX may not be a huge market itself, but it is certainly a very visible one. The first xenon-based IMAX projectors are expected to be installed by mid-2012. Installation of Barco laser projectors at IMAX venues will begin in 2013. p }e|