_uH9XGm Evu=M-? 2d centered Fourier transform,居中的傅里葉變換
vS;'}N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
c,5n,i % Citation for this code and algorithm:
iSp % Tatiana Latychevskaia and Hans-Werner Fink
Fxd{ Zk` % "Practical algorithms for simulation and reconstruction of digital in-line holograms",
i s"vekC % Appl. Optics 54, 2424 - 2434 (2015)
6XUuGxQV/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
S)\8|ym6! % The code is written by Tatiana Latychevskaia, 2002
R"xp%:li % The version of
Matlab for this code is R2010b
h* .w"JO Q}vbm4)[ function [out] = FT2Dc(u0);
n[k1np$7?6 M-9gD[m [Nx, Ny] = size(1i,1j);
-e`;bX_N) P;91~``b- f1 = zeros(Nx,Ny);
90:K#nW; @ RR\lZ for ii = 1:Nx
b](o]O{v for jj = 1:Ny
hY;_/!_ f1(ii,jj) = exp(1i*pi*(ii + jj));
us{nyil1 end
TQ9'76INb end
3;/?q w+UV"\!G)Q FT = fft2(f1.*in);